Monday, April 22, 2013

The Biggest Question of All

We live in "Why?" world, constantly asking questions.
Why do we even need to ask questions?
Asking question is what separates us from animals. We ask "Why am I eating this?" or "What is causing these feelings?"

But out of all the questions one could possibly ask, which is the most important?

In this post, I want to explore the most important question anyone could possibly ask.

And that question is this. "Does God exist?"

Now before I starting expanding on this thought I first want to say that, it's difficult to say that God does exist with 100% assurance or that God doesn't exist with 100% assurance. But either way looking at this question will undoubtedly change your identity.

In looking at this question, we change the way we think. In a book written by Andrew Newberg title "How God Changes Your Brain", the author takes a look at how belief in God physically changes your brain. So how we answer the question "Does God exist?" can literally change our brains and how we think.

How we answer this question also changes our motivations. If God does exist than have a motivation to carry on in times of trial or pain, and the motivation would be God. If God doesn't exist then we would have to come up with our own motivation to carry on in times of trial or pain, whether it be family or society.

How we answer this question has an effect of how we view life. If God exists, then people are created with a purposed and have a life after this. If God does not exist then we are a cosmological and biological accident that ultimately ends up in death.

How we answer this question changes how we educate our selves. If God exists, then my life should be spent on finding out who God is. If God doesn't exist, then any such investigation is meaningless.

How we answer this question changes every aspect of our lives.

If God exists then we were put here for a purpose. We have meaning in life that is beyond what we see in this world. We are valued because God created us. Our lives mean something.

If God doesn't exist then we are with no purpose unless we think of our own purpose. The meaning to life because subjective and is clouded with many ideas. Our value changes because we are nothing more than an accident.

So do you see why this question is of most importance?

This question is one that has been talked about for centuries, and I don't expect the world to come to a consensus anytime soon. But because this question has been debated for centuries, the amount of ideas regarding God's existence are numerous. So much that we can come to an position and present our reason is to why are in that position.

So again, "Does God Exist" is the biggest question that anyone can ask. If you are reading this and are at place of agnosticism or Just don't know. I would encourage you to dig deeper. Because this question will  never go away and as I stated above it has a huge impact on one's life.


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