Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Call to Men! (Part 3)

In the last 2 posts on this topic, I presented a problem then gave a list of practical things we, as men, can do in order for us to strive for the goal of being a man that reflects Jesus. In this post I want to show how, if we strive for this perfect man we are going to fail. Bad news right? Well there is a underlying hope in all of this. Our quest for perfection is always going to end up in failure! Why is there hope in this statement? Because instead of trying and trying to become something that we can never reach, We have a perfecter!

"I quit striving for perfection, surrendered up to it instead"
- My Epic

What does it mean to surrender to perfection? Let's look at our motivation for achieving perfection. Pride. Our quest to become this perfect man is linked with this idea that we have to be this perfect man for our-selves and society. So we want to become this idea of a perfect man just so we can say we are a perfect man. So in order for us to become this perfect man, we need to have this pride of becoming a perfect man but in being a perfect man we have to be without pride.

Can we do this? No! Think about it do you know any perfect men?

So what's the answer?

I am thoroughly convinced that if men take a deeper look at the issue of God's existence and Christianity as a whole we WILL become better men in the end. Why? When we look at the truth of Jesus, we find a man who changed the world not by accumulating money, being in a place of power (though he was), or any other thing that we would think it takes to be a man.

He changed the world by serving! Not just men but The Father. His attitude toward life was completely without him self in mind. His mind was set on serving others with no regard of him-self.

Jesus must be our male role model. If we want to change the world for the good, we must look how Jesus lived his life. We must learn to die to our self and become more like Christ! If we want to help the fatherless generation we must put aside our-selves, step up, and be a father! If we want to stop this skin driven generation we need find out what true beauty is! We need to stop treating women like an object, encourage them, and start treating them like sisters! We need to find out what our role is as men and take a hold of it! We need to stop so prideful! Learn to love, Become a servant, and Die to your-self.

What is the role of men? That's the fun in being a man, we need to be in this constant state of looking for where we can serve and find our role.

If you have been reading these posts and want to become a better man, whether you are a Christian or not, I would strongly encourage you to look at the life Jesus Christ. Because who he is, is the perfect example of what a man should be.

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."

- Philippians 2:5-8

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