Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Call To Men! (Part 1)

Who do you think plays video games more? men or women? Men... who do you think logs onto more inappropriate websites and pays for them? Men or women? Men, now what do these two questions tell you? Men have a huge influence on economic and social industries. Think about what if Men... just men... stopped buying video games... would we see a change in the video game industries... hard to say... but it's a question worth pondering in regards to those who do play video games and log onto inappropriate websites. Now the question above all questions, if men start acting like men (leaders and servants), would the world be a different place? In this blog, I plan to present my case in a way that shows man's influence on not only video game and website industries but in the lives of children and women.

"The Fatherless Generation" Talking about this section is a little more dear to my life because I, my-self, grew up without a father and had learn to "be a man" in the absence of a "man". Thus, I missed out on a lot of different perks of having a father figure such as learning how to work, learning how to compete, learning how to love your wife, learning how to raise a child. Now I know that these are extreme in a sense, but in reality it's the truth. Boys without a father miss out on learning these important lessons because they do not see their fathers doing these things or teaching them how to do them. Boys without fathers tend to get into more trouble because fathers aren't there to correct them. Men who bail out on their sons don't know the damage that will come from them not being there.

"Skin-Driven Generation" Take a look around on the internet and commercials on TV what do you see? Skin. Why? Because we, as men, have put off the idea that a beautiful woman not skin deep but instead it's right on the surface. This has led to many different kinds of issues. Women have the idea that if they aren't "thin" or "hot" they have self-image issues, instead of working to be healthy, they're focus is to "look hot" for men. Also, because of our skin-driven mind there is a market for men who use women as an object! You see the issue here?

The point I want to get across is this... Men have a HUGE influence on everybody. Women do to but I believe we have a feminist movement because men are not willing to step up and be men. Not the man society portrays a Hard headed, prideful tempered, emotion lacking man. But tender warrior, a man that is ok with showing his emotions, a man who is willing to sacrifice playing video games or watching TV to get things done, A man that throws his pride out and looks at the needs of others. This is the kind of man, that will change the world.

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