Thursday, February 28, 2013

Truth is..

Has anyone ever told you that there is no such thing as truth? Or that Truth is relative? If you heard this and believed it, this puts in jeopardy the claim Jesus makes in John 14:6 which says " I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life, and no one comes to the father except through me. There's obviously a lot that can be taken from that verse but for the sake of this post let's focus on the Truth aspect. What is Truth? What does it look like? Can There even be Truth? I hope to answer these questions in this post.

Starting with the first 2 questions let's look at some characteristics of Truth:
1.Truth is discovered not invented - an example would be Newton discovery of Gravity. Gravity was always there, he just happened to discover it. The same can be said about Truth. Only through searching can we discover Truth.
2. Truth is transcultural - Meaning regardless of location Truth is Truth. An example would be 2+2=4, no matter if you're in the U.S., India, or Russia 2+2=4.
3. Truth is unchanging, even though our belief about Truth may change - meaning just because our belief about what is true changes doesn't mean truth changes. An example would our belief about the earth. Though we thought the earth was flat, the truth is, the earth is round. Our belief about the earth changed but not the truth about the earth.
4. Belief cannot change fact no matter how sincere they are - I think this explains itself, I can sincerely believe that the earth is flat but I'm all of you would agree I would be sincerely wrong. We can believe things are true but that doesn't make them true.
So now we've had a peak at what Truth is and looks like, now can there even be Truth?
If there is such thing as Truth then what we believe could be wrong. And if there is Truth in the small things then could there be Truth in the Big thing such as religion. Can a religion be the Truth? Jesus seems to think so, in fact he claims to be the Truth! Now talk about a crazy claim! But still the question remains "Can there be Truth?"
If someone were to tell you "there is no such thing as Truth" what would you say? You could just nod and say "ok if that's what you believe" or you could ask "Is that true?"
If someone claims that there is no truth, they are affirming what they are trying to deny. They are saying it's TRUE that there is no TRUTH which is contradicting. With the being said the only TRUE statement regarding Truth is "There is Truth."
So what does all this mean? Truth is...The Truth is out there waiting to be discovered. Jesus said he was the Truth. With a claim like, it must be investigated. And the "TRUTH" Will reveal itself.

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